Why Is My Bereal Camera So Dark?

Possible Reasons

There are several reasons why your Bereal camera may be producing dark images. Some of the common reasons include:

1. Incorrect Camera Settings

One of the most common reasons for dark images is incorrect camera settings. Make sure that your camera settings are properly adjusted for the lighting conditions in which you are shooting. Check the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed settings to ensure they are appropriate for the environment.

2. Low Light Conditions

If you are shooting in low light conditions, your camera may struggle to capture enough light to produce a bright image. Consider using a tripod to stabilize your camera and increase the exposure time to allow more light into the sensor.

3. Dirty Lens or Sensor

A dirty lens or sensor can also cause dark images. Make sure to clean your lens and sensor regularly to ensure optimal image quality.

4. Faulty Camera Hardware

If none of the above solutions work, it is possible that there is a hardware issue with your camera. In this case, it is best to contact Bereal customer support for further assistance.


There are several reasons why your Bereal camera may be producing dark images. By checking and adjusting your camera settings, shooting in optimal lighting conditions, and ensuring your lens and sensor are clean, you can improve the brightness of your images. If these solutions do not work, it may be a sign of a hardware issue that requires professional assistance.

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